Yuran Yuran


Yuran was born in 1934 in Nakhichevan – at the border of Iran and Turkey – a land striking with the brightness and vividness of its colour contrasts. This abundance of the sun and pure colours as if undressing the primitive beauty of life displayed itself in the richness of palette and infinite depth of colour on Yuran’s canvases. Comprehension of colour’s nature remained a main source of inspiration during his studies at the Academy of Arts named after I.E. Repin, in the studio of V. Oreshnikov (1957-1962).

The next, Leningrad, period of Yuran’s life can be defined, first of all, as the time of his emergence as a theatrical artist (his work at the Alexandrine Theatre). Further the theatre was to become one of the main directions of his artistic creation (stage manager to the performances of “Tarussky Wolf” by A. Nessin; “Khanuma” by A. Tsagareli). These years were important not only with his new successes in painting but also for his work in cinematography, at Lenfilm Studio, and his teaching. At that time Yuran became acquainted with Mikhail Kozakov, Vladimir Korenev, Nadar Shashik-Ogly, Anar whose friendship he always valued.

Another love of Yuran which he had saved till his dying day – was his love for the Baltic seaside. Perhaps it attracted him with its majestic and cold beauty, utmost dissimilar and contrasting to the landscape of his native land, or that love was inspired by congenial people meetings with whom took places just there...

Yuran came back to Nakhichevan again in the last years of his life. The mystery of colour with its magic changes and transformations still attracted him and held on to him. Yuran passed away in 1984... He left his life at the height of his creative work and maybe merely approaching to this. His last unfinished picture “Early in the Morning” was left as a wordless evidence of the fact that he had dreamed of a long life ahead...

Pictures of his best friend – Minas – found their shelter in a studio burned to the ground; Juran’s pictures were more fortunate. They saw the light of the day more than 20 years later...

(Artist’s works are in private collections in Turkey, Iran, France, Hungary and Germany)