Natalia Alekseeva-Shtolder


Natalia Vladimirovna Alekseeva-Shtolder was born in 1960 in Moscow. She studied in Moscow Art College named in the memory of 1905 year (1976-80) in the class of V.A. Volkov and Yu.N. Larin on the faculty of industrial graphics.

Graduated from Moscow State Academic Art College named by Surikov (1980-86), primarely studied on the Theatrically-decorative faculty (professor M.M. Kurilko-Ryumin), then – in the studio of monumental painting of Yu.K. Koroljov.

Member of Moscow Union of Artists from 1992. PHD on Fine Arts, member of the Art Critics Association from 2006. Natalia has scientific publications on history of Russian and foreign art.

Worked as a tutor in the Institute of Art Creativity from 1993 to 2007.
At present time Natalia Alekseeva-Shtolder is tutoring on the Art-industrial faculty of the RGUTiS.

From 1984 constantly takes part in various Moscow, All-Russia and international exhibitions.

Art works present in "Kuznetskii Most" and "Union Creativity" galleries (Moscow), in private collections in Russia, Bulgary, China, Chile, Canada, Republic of Korea, England, France, Belgium, USA, Switzerland.