Allan Rannu

A few words about myself

I was born in 1958 in Moscow. I graduated school in Tallinn. Then I studied in Moscow University on the faculty of biology.

I studied painting from my early years: my first teacher was a painter from Tallinn – middle ages variant of a pupil. Then – during two years – I studied Mongol and Tibetan wall paintings. After this, during one year and a half I studied Persian miniature in Samarqand.

All the life of my family was linked with the East. My grandfather A. Terenozhkin was archeologist and worked on ruins of Khoresm tsardom and Afrasiab (ancient Samarqand). My mother worked as historian and archeologist in Tuva. And I also often went to expeditions since I was young. When I have seen Pamir from the north for the first time, I sharply felt that it is the border of giant mountain country with India behind it. So, the East for me is not exotic. It is my life. It is my field.

I spent over twenty years in expeditions in Central Asia, walked nearly all Pamir and Tian-Shan, then, when it became possible, when borders were opened, I began to make a trip to India, Nepal and Sri-Lanka.

I work in paintings, photography, video-art and computer graphics. From time to time I publish articles and small topics in different issues.

Apart of taking part in group exhibitions I had a set of personal ones in Moscow, Tallinn, Switzerland, South African Republic, USA and so on…

My works are in private and corporative collections in different countries.