EARTHBURG: Ekaterina Lebedeva (Biography)

Catherine Lebedeva

About the painter

Young Moscow painter Catherine Lebedeva (1st of December 1988) creates bright expressive paintings full of power and color. She experiments much with materials and technique, and safisticated multilayer composition come out as a result. She trusts her intuition during the work so to reach really deep and true images, and again escapes from real things in her artworks and draws upon nonfigurative expression of different shapes.
Catherine's artworks have been purchesed for private collections in Russia, Japan, France, USA, Belgium, Serbia. Catherine Lebedeva was honourably mentioned by certificate of Academy of Art of Bandol (France), curator – Genevieve Canto, follower of Salvador Dali.
Catherine Lebedeva leads an active social life and great exhibition work.
Painter about her today state of art: "Don't be afraid of anything new, don't be afraid of experiment, don't be afraid of the action of a color on canvas. And herewith – such an contradiction – rigourous exactness. Exactness of each stroke, each move».